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- 催化固氮氮合
Nitrogen Fixation(催化固氮氮合)
Our Research As we knew, nitrogen is the key element in the world, showing its vital roles in the life and the common activity of human beings. Our group focus on fixation and transformation of dinitrogen (N2). We are interested in the synthesis, structure, bonding, mechanism and reactivity of metal-dinitrogen complexes across the periodic table, with a particular emphasis on converting dinitrogen into N-containing organic molecules under mild reaction conditions. The research topics of our group overlap extensively and we cooperate with others at Fudan University internationally.
Specific Topics:
Mechanism and new catalytic application in different transformations of transition-metal-dinitrogen complexes. Construct new C–N bonds in organic synthesis from dinitrogen, directly convert dinitrogen to different kinds of N-containing molecules.

将桥连骨架、双金属中心引入氮气固定的过渡金属配合物中,为含氮过渡金属配合物辅助配体的设计提供了新的思路。我们预计采用多种类型的芳环作为桥联中心,-N(CH2CH2NHAr)2为连接侧臂,通过改变配体的位阻、电性来调节两个金属中心的离散程度与排列。进而使多齿的桥联配体与双核金属中心形成“bimetallic pocket”,可望更高效的活化氮气分子。金属到双氮分子的反馈作用可以增强氮原子的碱性,其中一个金属的配位(或还原)作用生成的M-N≡N物种有助于与第二个金属的键合,同时第二个金属额外的反馈作用可以促进金属与双氮配体形成强多重键,双金属特别是杂核双金属之间的这种协同作用可能实现对-N≡N-两个位点的官能化,有助于对新发应模式的发展,如与不饱和底物的环加成反应或者复分解反应。